ISBN 9789996045202
Pages 182
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2016
Publisher Mzuni Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

African Feminist Hermeneutics

An Evangelical Reflection

by Rachel Nyagondwe Banda-Fiedler, Klaus Fiedler, Johannes W. Hofmeyr

This book has six chapters: The first Chapter deals with a brief history on the genesis of African Feminist theologies as an 'irruption within an irruption' of Feminist theological movements in the world including a reflection on its relationship to the secular Feminist Movement, and to similar theologies such as Contextual Theology, Liberation Theology and the Holiness Feminist Movement. The second chapter deals with an introduction to African Feminist Hermeneutics. In this chapter, the three branches of African Feminist Hermeneutics, the general theories, principles and approaches to African Feminist Hermeneutics are highlighted. The third chapter deals with an Evangelical Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics of the Old Testament. The fourth chapter deals with an Evangelical Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics of the New Testament. The fifth is about how Malawian Christian women interpret culture, Bible and power relations to realise their own liberation and chapter 6 concludes the book.

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About the Authors

Rachel Nyagondwe Banda-Fiedler

Rachel Nyagondwe Banda-Fiedler is a Senior Lecturer of African Feminist Theology at Mzuzu University.

Klaus Fiedler

Klaus Fiedler is Professor Emeritus of Theology and Religious Studies at Mzuzu University. He specializes in Church History and Missiology. He started publishing as the editor of the Kachere Series, the leading academic publisher in Malawi. He is now in charge of Mzuni Press based in Mzuzu.

Johannes W. Hofmeyr

Johannes W. Hofmeyr is a Professor at the Universities of Pretoria and Free State in South Africa. He is currently Vice Chancellor of Nkhoma University in Malawi.