ISBN 9789996096853
Pages 260
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2017
Publisher Luviri Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

Christentum und afrikanische Kultur

Konservative deutsche Missionare in Tanzania 1900 bis 1940

by Klaus Fiedler

The missionaries have often been accused of having destroyed African cultures, be it deliberately or because they did not understand. The author draws a very different picture in his study of a number of German missionaries in various parts of Tanzania, who had a high appreciation of African culture. He argues that acceptance of in-culturation attempts do not depend on race but on role, and the same applies to both Black and White. (GERMAN)

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About the Author

Klaus Fiedler

Klaus Fiedler is Professor Emeritus of Theology and Religious Studies at Mzuzu University. He specializes in Church History and Missiology. He started publishing as the editor of the Kachere Series, the leading academic publisher in Malawi. He is now in charge of Mzuni Press based in Mzuzu.