ISBN 9783906927213
Pages 198
Dimensions 244 x 170mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations and Maps
Published 2020
Publisher Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Namibia
Format Paperback

Developmentalism, Dependency, and the State

Industrial Development and Economic Change in Namibia since 1900

by Christopher Hope

Why does Namibia's economy look the way it does today? Was the reliance on raw materials for exports and on the service sector for employment an inevitability? And for what reasons has the manufacturing sector - the vehicle for economic development for many now-high income countries throughout the 19th and 20th centuries - seen its growth held back?

With these questions in mind, this book offers an extensive analysis of industrial development and economic change in Namibia since 1900, exploring their causes, trajectory, vicissitudes, context, and politics. Its focus is particularly on the motivations behind the economic decisions of the state, arguing that power relations - both internationally and domestically - have held firm a status quo that has resisted efforts towards profound economic change. This work is the first in-depth economic study covering both the colonial and independence eras of Namibia's history and provides the first history of the country's manufacturing sector.

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About the Author

Christopher Hope

Christopher Hope undertook his doctorate in Development Studies at the University of Cambridge, UK (2014-2019). His research interests are processes of economic change, power relations, industrial development, and international political economy. This book is based on his doctoral thesis. 

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