ISBN 9789956558469
Pages 246
Dimensions 203 x 127 mm
Published 2009
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

No Way to Die

by Linus Asong

What happens when a young man of talent and visions of greatness falls victim to a cruel set of circumstances over which he has no control? No Way to Die is such a story. Dennis Nunqam Ndendemajem gives up! Even when he is given a second chance to start again, he refuses to gather the broken pieces of his life together. He refuses to rebuild, and refuses to live. But he also finds no way to die.

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“No Way to Die is unquestionably a psychological novel… Asong revalues the traditional Freudian relationship between the Id, Ego, and Superego and as such demonstrates a certain degree of ‘aesthetic autonomy’ and manifests his craftsmanship…”

Professor Charles Atangana Nama, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Buea, Cameroon

 “Excellent psychological portraiture… a real world of tragic circumstances and events.”

Professor Robett Mclaren, University of Regina, Canada

About the Author

Linus Asong

Linus Asong was born in the South West Region of Cameroon in 1947. With a combined B.A honours in Education, in 1980 he entered the University of Windsor in Canada whence he graduated with a terminal degree in Creative Writing. He holds an M.A and a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Alberta, in Edmonton Canada, and is presently Associate Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at Ecole Normale Superieure Bambili (University of Yaounde 1). Until his death in July 2012, Asong was a stand-up humorist, a consummate portrait painter, an accomplished literary scholar, and a celebrated prolific writer with over a dozen novels to his credit.

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