ISBN 9789966718556
Pages 146
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2007
Publisher Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa, Kenya
Format Paperback

The Concept of Botho and HIV/AIDS in Botswana

edited by Joseph B. R. Gaie, Sana K. Mmolai

Ever since the publication of Placide Tempel's epoch-making work Bantu Philosophy, African philosophers have worked to dispel the myth that there is no metaphysics in Africa. In the East African context we remember the names of Joseph Nyasmi and Odera Oruka, and in the West African context, Pauline Hotoundji and Kwesi Wiredu have made monumental contributions to elucidate African metaphysics. This compendium, presented by a group of scholars from the University of Botswana, seeks to build bridges between the seemingly estranged disciplines of African metaphysics, existential philosophy, and economics in the contexts of HIV/AIDS.

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About the Editors

Joseph B. R. Gaie

Dr Joseph B. R. Gaie is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Botswana where he teaches Ethics, Epistemology and Metaphysics based courses.

Sana K. Mmolai

Dr Sana K. Mmolai is a lecturer in the Department of Languages and Social Sciences Education, University of Botswana.