ISBN 9789987753291
Pages 218
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2015
Publisher Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania
Format Paperback

The East African Tax System

by Rup Khadka

This book is a comparative study of the tax systems of the five members of the East African Community: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. It deals with various aspects of business profit tax, customs duties, excise duties, personal income tax and value added tax of the East African Community member states. It also sheds light on the intergovernmental fiscal relations and reviews the status of tax administrations in these countries. The book is informative for a wide range of readers, including students, researchers, policy makers, tax administrators, and business people interested in the East African Tax System and Tax Administration.

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About the Author

Rup Khadka

Rup Khadka has worked as Senior Tax Policy and Administration Advisor at the IMF, The World Bank, USAID. He is currently Chairman of the Nepalese Government High Level Tax System Review Commissions.