ISBN 9789996009280
Pages 190
Dimensions 229x152 mm
Published 2024
Publisher TSM Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

A Theology of Mindset Change

edited by Mzee Hermann Yokoniah Mvula , Kenneth R. Ross, Felix Chimera Nyika

In a nation striving for transformation, A Theology of Mindset Change offers a profound exploration of how theological principles can reshape the collective consciousness of a people. Drawing on the rich theological scholarship of Malawi, this book delves into the intersection of faith and societal change, proposing that true progress begins with a renewal of the mind. Through insightful analysis and compelling narratives, the authors of the chapters of this book examine the role of theology in fostering a mindset that embraces integrity, innovation, and communal responsibility. This work challenges readers to rethink their perspectives, encouraging a shift from passive acceptance to active participation in the nation's development. Whether you are a scholar, a faith leader, a politician or a concern citizen, A Theology of Mindset Change for Malawi provides a roadmap for harnessing the power of belief to drive meaningful and lasting change. Read it and join the journey towards a brighter future, where a transformed mindset paves the way for a transformed nation as anticipated in the Malawi Vision 2063. -Rhodian Munyenyembe (PhD), Head, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Mzuzu University.


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About the Editors

Mzee Hermann Yokoniah Mvula

Mzee Hermann Yokoniah Mvula is a Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Chancellor College, University of Malawi. 

Kenneth R. Ross

Kenneth R. Ross is Professor of Theology at Zomba Theological University, Malawi, and Associate Minister of Bemvu Parish, CCAP. Earlier he has served as Professor of Theology at the University of Malawi, General Secretary of the Church of Scotland Board of World Mission and Chair of the Scotland Malawi Partnership.

Felix Chimera Nyika

Felix Chimera Nyika is Lead Pastor at Kairos Christian Center in Lilongwe, Principal of Kairos Leadership Institute and Chair of the Theological Society of Malawi.