ISBN 9789785407051
Pages 232
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2016
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Alternative Disputes Resolution in Nigeria

A Functional Approach

by Damfebo Kieriseiye Derri

Broad aspects of Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR)and Arbitration are covered in this book, with emphasis on the application of ADR to specific areas. It describes in very succinct manner the meaning of ADR, analyses conflict under ADR models, their advantages over courtroom litigation and why it should be embraced. Chapter 5 is a particularly notable contribution to the body of knowledge, where the author demonstrates how it can be used to resolve matters in the heart of society, commercial and political disputes such as investment and election disputes. The book is not only a handy textbook for use by teachers and students, but should also meet the increasing needs of practising lawyers, judges, other professionals and corporate practitioners, oil and banking industries, the trades unions and state agencies concerned with mediation, conciliation and arbitration.

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About the Author

Damfebo Kieriseiye Derri

Dr. Damfebo Kieriseiye Derri is of the Faculty of Law, the Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Wilberforce Island,  Bayelsa State, Nigeria.