ISBN 9781779331526
Pages 288
Dimensions 216x140 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Ayabacholization Classroom In My Life

The Longest Shortcut To University Education

by Peter Ateh-Afac Fossungu

This book is testimony to the Ambazonia Project, which must come to fruition. Because its architects mean business and have a good liberation strategy and a sensible roadmap for realizing it. The availability of money is obviously a great drawback. But it is here delineated that finances alone cannot be enough to bring freedom to a people. Sapient, dedicated, farsighted, and patriotic leadership is topmost. Ambazonia is blessed to have these requisite qualities in the AWOL Leadership, aka Ayabacholization; thus, making an independent Ambazonia unstoppable. The social media chaos and numerous traitors can only aid in delaying it, they can never stop it.

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About the Author

Peter Ateh-Afac Fossungu

Peter Ateh-Afac Fossungu holds a PhD in Law from the Universite de Montreal, two Master's degrees in Law from McGill University and University of Alberta. He has taught law at the Universite de Yaounde and Buea university in Cameroon. Dr Fossungu has published extensively on various aspects of society and life in Cameroon, Africa and Canada. He is currently a researcher in Montreal, Canada.