ISBN 9789996066863
Pages 80
Dimensions 210 x 148mm
Published 2022
Publisher Luviri Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

Baptists and the Ordination of Women in Malawi

by Klaus Fiedler, Hany Longwe

Baptists are keen to go directly to the New Testament in all major issues of faith. If the Bible is the first argument, then history (and therefore tradition) is another line of argument, that both promoters and opponents of women's ordination can and do use. This book is largely concerned with not just the history of women's ordination, or even of Baptists and women's ordination, but offers perspectives from history that may be useful for the discussion of this issue. The thrust of the arguments are aimed at highlighting that differing biblical interpretations are possible, and it must be admitted that Baptists have their own history, over which, much diversity has developed.

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About the Authors

Klaus Fiedler

Klaus Fiedler is Professor Emeritus of Theology and Religious Studies at Mzuzu University. He specializes in Church History and Missiology. He started publishing as the editor of the Kachere Series, the leading academic publisher in Malawi. He is now in charge of Mzuni Press based in Mzuzu.

Hany Longwe

Hany Longwe is a theologian, Baptist Minister, author and editor.