ISBN 9781779331717
Pages 292
Dimensions 229x152 mm
Published 2023
Publisher Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Best "New" African Poets 2023 Anthology

Anthologie Des Meilleurs "Nouveaux" Poètes Africans 2023/ Antologia Dos Melhores "Novos" Africanos 2023

edited by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka, Hélder Simbad, Géraldin Mpesse

From 2015 to 2023 we have been able to issue out, yearly, an anthology of Africa poets, through 9 years of publishing this beautiful anthology of the best contemporary African poets and in the process we have published and archived over 1000 African poets. And this year without fail we offer you Best New African Poets 2023 Anthology which comprises several dozens of African poets from the Portuguese, English and French speaking African countries. We expect the anthology to continue into another decade but also to seed into other forms of poetic expressions starting from next year. We intend to work on Best New African Poets International Festival of the Arts, an event that will bring together all these poets we have been able to publish the last 9 years to showcase their talent in a week of festivities in Harare, Zimbabwe. This year's anthology has poems that cover the usual gamut of issues: love, unrequited feelings, relationships, death, poetry making, politics, and we were excited to see Mashigo tackling the ongoing Israel/Hamas war, and the ill-treatment of the Palestinian people for generations under the Israeli government; culture, religion, spirituality, identity, belonging, memory, individuality and all sorts of other existential dilemmas that the young African poets deal with day to day.

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About the Editors

Tendai Rinos Mwanaka

Tendai. R. Mwanaka is a multi-disciplinary artist from Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. His oeuvre of works touches on non-fictions, essays, poetry, plays, fictions, music, sound art, photography, drawings, paintings, video, collage, mixed media, inter-genres and inter-disciplines. His work has been published in over 300 journals, anthologies and magazines in over 27 countries.

Hélder Simbad

Hélder Simbad é pseudónimo de Helder Silvestre Simba André. Professor e escritor. Concorre neste concurso com a obra “Dorsal Grito da Zunga”.