ISBN 9789996066504
Pages 52
Dimensions 210 x 148mm
Published 2021
Publisher Luviri Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

Buried in the Debris of Independence

The Life and Death of Rev Alexander Kutchona

by T.S.E. Katsulukuta

As a boy I heard my mother warn my father never to walk alone and never to come home late lest he be killed like Kutchona. But why could people kill an innocent pastor? For Alexander Kutchona God stood above politics and God came first in all areas of life. The Party leaders believed differently. Politics to them could not be separated from Church life and that the church should be used as a platform for the political agenda. They labeled him traitor and removed him out of their path and memory.

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About the Author

T.S.E. Katsulukuta

Born in 1960, T.S.E Katsulukuta grew up in a Christian family. Feeling the call to Holy Ministry, he trained at Nkhoma Theological College 1984 - 1988, receiving in 2010 also a Diploma from Josophat Mwale Theological Institute and in 2019 a Bachelor of Theology from the Central African