ISBN 9789996098895
Pages 66
Dimensions 210x148 mm
Published 2023
Publisher Horace Publications, Malawi
Format Paperback

Caring for small babies and children

A Book for Mothers, Fathers and Child Care Takers

by Felistas Macheso Chiundira

This book provides a guide to parents and caretakers on the home management of common childhood concerns and on childcare at home. It has also highlighted relevant issues related to caring for the newborns, monitoring growth and development in children, promoting sleep and recognizing early signs of sickness in children. Management of pain that comes due to teething, colic and nappy rash has also been discussed at length. Furthermore, the book provides information to parents and caregivers on how to avoid home related injuries and accidents to ensure safety for young children. Management of common minor ailments and importance of having an emergency box at home has also been emphasized in the book.

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About the Author

Felistas Macheso Chiundira

Felistas Chiundira is a child health nurse specialist by profession and is a Lecturer at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences in Malawi. She has worked for 17 years as a Registered nurse, nurse educator and Continuous Professional Development Facilitator. Felistas is passionate about children and loves teaching parents about home care and child safety of young children. She has recently published a book chapter titled ‘Child safety in developing countries’ in a book titled Research handbook on patient safety and the law. She is also a reviewer of a journal based in South Africa.