ISBN 9789780232559
Pages 616
Dimensions 234 x 156 mm
Published 2008
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Constitutional Law in Nigeria

by Kehinde M. Mowoe

Since the inception of civilian rule in 1999, the provisions of the Nigerian constitution have been tested in various aspects before the courts. There are, however, still some areas best left to conjecture until courts pronounce on them. This book is a completely revised merger of both volumes 1 and 2 of the previous published Constitutional Law in Nigeria. It deals with the various principles of constitutional law and fundamental human rights as contained in the 1999 constitution, though frequent references are made to previous Nigerian constitutions so as to highlight the various changes over a period of time. References are made to what obtains in foreign jurisdictions on a comparative basis, especially where there has been little or no pronouncement of the courts on the matter, or where the position is different from what obtains in Nigeria. The book gives full details of cases and statutes.

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