ISBN 9789956554614
Pages 108
Dimensions 203x127 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Content of Character

Poetics of Redemption

by Peter W. Vakunta

In Content of Character: Poetics of Redemption, we argue that all that is necessary for evil to thrive in contemporary society is for decent people to do nothing. We contend that silence is not an option in contemporary society where sin and immorality seem to overshadow decency and the innate goodness of man. The crux of our contention in this book hinges on our conviction that the Church of Christ must live up to the expectations for which it exists. Christians the world over must overcome fear and step onto the bandwagon of foot soldiers of Jesus Christ, armed with spiritual weapons of faith, prayer, Biblical truth, self-sacrifice and agape love.

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About the Author

Peter W. Vakunta

Dr. Peter Wuteh Vakunta is a native of Bamunka-Ndop in the Northwest Region of the Republic of Cameroon. His education is global. Peter studied in Cameroon, Nigeria, South Africa, France and the United States of America. His research interests are cross-disciplinary and straddle the worlds of Francophonie and the Commonwealth. Peter is a prolific writer with over fifteen works on literary theory and fiction under his belt. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Indianapolis in the United States of America.