ISBN 9781920033880
Pages 670
Dimensions 224x170 mm
Published 2022
Publisher NISC (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
Format Paperback

Conversations with memorable personalities

by Amos Malupenga

After reviewing just part of this book's contents, Rex Mudenda - a risk-management professional and Lusaka based avid reader of political science literature - states

 This book is loaded. There is usually no such a cocktail of prominent personalities covered in one book. I kept on salivating on the featured names under the "Conversations" section. The book has captured a good slice of Zambia's political story.

 Mulenga Kapwepwe, a prolific Zambian author, states:

 A page turning thriller of historical, social and political value. Each prominent personality comes alive through Amos Malupenga's compelling narrative, allowing us rare glimpses into their personal experiences and connections to pivotal events that have impacted and coloured our fascinating national story.

The above is an apt description of this book's contents. They are as intriguing as they are gripping. Because of the "cocktail" of the personalities featured, one can safely say "these are several books in one."

 On the basis of these conversations with most of the political figures, the author has taken the liberty to draw a parallel between democracy and theocracy. In so doing, the author concludes that from the beginning of human history, even the best human governments (democracies) have failed to solve mankind's serious problems because of bad leadership owing to the inherent imperfection as a result of sin. The bad leadership "is increasingly proving to be one of the root causes of all evil in human societies" across the entire inhabited earth. Consequently, the author asserts that theocracy is the panacea, the universal cure, the perfect solution and sovereign remedy to mankind's problems - be they big or small.

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About the Author

Amos Malupenga

Amos Malupenga is an accomplished journalist, author and public administrator. He extensively practised investigative journalism for 16 years before resigning as managing editor of The Post in 2011 to join the Government of the Republic of Zambia as permanent secretary. He served as permanent secretary for 10 years in various ministries including Local Government and Housing, Information and Labour, Tourism and Arts, and Information and Broadcasting Services, which was his last position in September 2021 following the change of government. A few months before the 2021 presidential and general elections, he also served as Chief Government Spokesperson. During his tenure as permanent secretary, he served on over 20 Boards of Directors of parastatal and quasi government institutions as non-executive director. Among other qualifications, he holds a Bachelor of Communications degree from Australia's Edith Cowan University, Amos Malupenga is also the author of Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, An Incentive for Posterity (2009) and Conversations with Memorable Personalities (2022).