ISBN 9781942876601
Pages 140
Dimensions 216 x 140mm
Published 2020
Publisher Spears Media Press, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Darkness at Dawn

by Timothy Keyeke Mbombo

When the lovebirds, Demas and Natasha go for an HIV test in a renowned hospital before concretizing their engagement plans, little do they know that things may spiral for the worse. Natasha’s test turns out positive plunging the couple into utter shock, alienation, and despair. Is it an immaculate infection or a mysterious affliction?  Join Demas and Natasha, both distraught yet resilient in this riveting and breathless tale as they traverse the circuitous and bumpy route of faith.

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About the Author

Timothy Keyeke Mbombo

Timothy Keyeke Mbombo holds a BA in English and a master's degree in American Literature from the University of Yaoundé I. He also graduated with a diploma in education from the Higher Teachers' Training College, Yaoundé. He obtained a diploma in creative writing from Stratford Career Institute and a master's in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Mbombo also holds a BSc in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Ashford and teaches in the Washington County in the USA.