ISBN 9783952606230
Pages 56
Dimensions 297x210 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Hilma Weber,
Format Paperback

Die Kinderbildatlas von Afrika

Eine Einführung in die Geografie Afrikas

by Hilma Weber

Der Kinderbildatlas von Afrika ist ein visueller und interaktiver Atlas für junge Leser, die den afrikanischen Kontinent erkunden möchten. Er deckt die reichen Kulturen und Traditionen, die Wildtiere und Naturwunder ab, die Afrika zu einem wirklich außergewöhnlichen Kontinent machen. Geschäftige Städte, malerische kleine Dörfer, lebendige Kunst und viele andere Besonderheiten, die diesen beeindruckenden Kontinent charakterisieren, sind hier wunderschön illustriert.

The Children's Picture Atlas of Africa is a visual and interactive atlas for young readers wanting to explore the African continent. It covers the rich cultures, traditions, wildlife, and natural wonders that make Africa a truly an extraordinary place. The bustling cities, serene villages, vibrant art, ano many other features that characterize this amazing continent are beautifully illustrated.

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About the Author

Hilma Weber

Hilma Weber was born and raised in a small village in northern Namibia in Southern Africa. Her passion for early childhood literacy was prompted by the lack of books in her own childhood and it was only in her early professional career that she discovered the pleasure and richness of reading books.

In 2019, she initiated an Early Childhood Development (ECD) programme for DWN a not for profit organisation in Namibia. She started by distributing boxes filled with donated children’s books to kindergartens in informal / slums settlements and spending time reading to the children. Inspired by these interactions and her own childhood story, she started writing children’s books which were published by Development Workshop Namibia. More than 50,000 copies of her first four books have been distributed to kindergartens and children from underprivileged communities.

She is currently living in Switzerland and  continues to write.