ISBN 9789983990065
Pages 102
Dimensions 210 x 148mm
Published 2019
Publisher Sunrise Publishers, The Gambia
Format Paperback

Ethnic Groups of the Senegambia Region

by Patience Sonko-Godwin

Ethnic Groups of the Senegambia Region deals with the major ethnic groups of the Senegambia Region, namely: the Wolof, Mandinka, Fula, Jola, Serahule, Tukulor and Serer. The book addresses the issues of origins, migration, settlements, state formation, intra- and inter-state relationships. It also addresses the European subjugation of these peoples. This invaluable work opens a new horizon for students, scholars and researchers studying the history of the Senegambia Region.

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About the Author

Patience Sonko-Godwin

Patience Sonko-Godwin is a renowned and erudite Gambian historian. She continues to retain and be involved in research, pertinent to National Development and to honour those who were in the forefront of the struggle for nationhood. Other Publications include: Ethnic Groups of the Senegambia Region: A Brief History and
Trade in the Senegambia Region: From the 12th to the 21st Century.