ISBN 9789789818815
Pages 242
Dimensions 234 x 156mm
Illustrations Colour Illustrations and Colour Photographs
Published 2020
Publisher Reamsworth Publishing, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Food, Technology and Culture in Africa

edited by Clement A. Ogunlade

This book is a multidisciplinary exposition of how scholars from various disciplines research food. The chapters unravel the crosscutting themes in the role of food in everyday realities of African societies. Food remains indispensable to humanity for a good healthy and quality life but accessibility is shrouded by poor quality food and food fraud thereby making the available food unsafe for consumption by the Nigerian citizens, and of course by people around the world. The underlying causes of this have largely been attributed to poverty and acquisitive economic gains, and to some extent poor food handling by consumers. In Nigeria, the state of poverty is so severe that the largest proportion of the citizens' daily and/or monthly income goes on food, which is barely enough to access quality and nutritional food. Consequently, majority of the citizens seek and take up poor quality food that might come their way. In the light of drive for unsafe food, the food fraudsters had capitalised on the poor Nigerians to make illegally adulterated and poor quality food available at cheaper prices. This situation has not only endangered the food distribution system and quality of consumed nutrition in Nigeria, but as equally put the health status of Nigerians at risk through long-term exposure and build-up of chronically toxic contaminants in the body.

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