ISBN 9789787709177
Pages 170
Dimensions 216x216 mm
Published 2025
Publisher Impeccable Publishing, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Gardening in Nigeria

by Adedotun Adekile

Gardening in Nigeria is probably the only text on the subject in the country. Written from first-hand experience of plants in his garden, the author, describes the characteristics, requirements and care of approximately two hundred plants. Each plant discussed is accompanied by its photograph, with a caption giving the common names in Nigeria and the Latin names. Even though titled Gardening in Nigeria, it is a book that would be found relevant to most tropical regions of the world where weather conditions and flora are similar to those in Nigeria and a reference book for the beginner and the experienced gardener.

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About the Author

Adedotun Adekile

Adedotun Adekile lives in Ibadan, Nigeria. He took an interest in gardening at an early age and has created gardens in the several towns and cities he has lived He has participated in garden shows in Nigeria and abroad, published articles and contributed to documentary films on gardening. He has also been supporting horticultural clubs in schools.