ISBN 9789964702335
Pages 24
Dimensions 229x152 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Afram Publications, Ghana
Format Paperback

Grandma and other stories

by Zenobia Beecham

Let's keep the family line and link. Let our children know their ancestry. We can always learn from the past, polish on the present and promote the best for the future. Remember, the strong standing tall now, had a foundation, spreading wide or burrowing deeply.

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About the Author

Zenobia Beecham

Zenobia Beecham, Nee Ofori-Dankwa, had her primary education in Achimota School and then to Aburi Girls Secondary School. She completed her sixth form at Apam Secondary School. She's a Journalist by profession, a product of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. She's married with adult children and grandchildren. She loves writing poems and short stories and enjoys time with her grandchildren.