ISBN 9780797419742
Pages 194
Dimensions 210x148mm
Published 2009
Publisher Joyce Jenje Makwenda Collection Archive, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback


by Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

The novel is dedicated to all women who have gone through oppression because of the traditional divorce token "Gupuro" and other related issues. This book is a result of in-depth research undertaken by the writer who looks at the various ways in which women are abused through the divorce token. The book is written in mostly spoken Shona, with a fusion of standard Shona, spoken mostly by the older generation and Township lingo (slang) spoken by mostly the young people.

Munyori anoda kuzivisa vaverengi kuti bhuku iri rakanyorwa nerurimi rwechiShona chinotaurwa nevanhu mazuva ese. Harina kunyorwa neiye yatinoti Standard Shona. Munyori akatanga kunyorwa bhuku iri mugore ra1997, achitarisa nguva yekuma 80's. Nyaya iyi inobvira mugore ra1984 ichikwita nenguva. Munyori anoda kuzivisa vachaverenga bhuku iri kuti mari yakashandiswa imari yemakore iwayo. Mitengo yedzimba yakanga iripamari iyoyo yakanyorwa mubhuku iri. Vamwe zvingavanetse vachiona kunge sokuti imari diki asi imari yakanga yakawanda chaizvo nguva idzodzo, zvikuru vechidiki vanogona kutadza kunzwisisa vakuenzanisa nemari yanhasi. Ndinoda zvakare kuti nditi vakaongorora bhuku iri vakagutsikana netsananguro yandakavapa pavaiwongorora bhuku iri, sezvo pekutanga vainetsekana neShona yandataura kare kuti hayisi Standard Shona. Vakagadzirisa zvavakaona zvaida kugadziriswa zvakanga zvisinga kanganise manyorero andaida. Ndinotaurira izvi kuti vakawongora bhuku iri vasazopinzwa munyatwa nevaverengi. Semunhu akakurira mutownship yekuMbare ndinoda kunyora Shona yandakakura ndichitaura.

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About the Author

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda was born in 1958 in Mbare Township in Harare.She is a researcher, writer and producer. For the past 30 years or more she has been involved in research in the areas of music, popular culture, media, politics, women's history and gender issues. Joyce has made some notable achievements with her artistic work across the board, winning a number of awards since the early 1990's.