ISBN 9789789475988
Pages 332
Dimensions 244 x 170 mm
Published 2016
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Intellectual Property and Law in Nigeria

by Chudi C. Nwabachili

This book is basically about the legal protection of intellectual property in Nigeria. Its nine chapters dwell on copyright trademarks, patents, industrial designs and the legal protection of intellectual property in Nigeria. Attempt is made at providing an overview of the law relating to the subject in order to facilitate a solid grounding in the law as a starting point from which various political, theoretical or other perspectives can be developed. There is substantial reliance on the relevant Nigerian statutes on copyright, trademarks, patents and industrial designs as contained in the Laws if the Federation 2004 and also on the reported cases decided in this area of our law by Nigeria courts over the years. References have also made to the case and statutory laws in some other jurisdictions, especially where Nigerian legislative enactments need a reform. It is very simple and comprehensive and not solely aimed at providing a basis just for undergraduates but also for postgraduate courses, in addition to being useful to teachers, lawyers, judges, magistrates and even non-lawyers or general readership.

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About the Author

Chudi C. Nwabachili

Dr Chudi Charles Nwabachili took his first, masters and doctorate degrees from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University and was enrolled as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in January 2001. A senior lecturer, he was the first Head of Department of International Law and Jurisprudence and former Head of Department of Public and Private Law respectively in the Faculty of Law of Anambra State University, Igbariam Campus, Nigeria, where he was also the first Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law. He is a member of the editorial board of many journals of Law in Nigeria and is widely published.