ISBN 9789780232139
Pages 420
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Published 2007
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Introduction to Jurisprudence

Classical and Islamic

by M.T. Ladan

This very timely book is both a research resource and suitable for study at tertiary level. As well as classical and Islamic jurisprudence, it covers three apparently controversial, emerging fields of jurisprudence: legal pluralism and the challenges of the development of the rule of law and application of shari'a in Nigeria; philosophy and jurisprudential issues in reproductive health rights; and access to justice in environmental matters.

Other issues covered are the meaning and value of jurisprudence; yelationship between law, justice and morality; classical theories of law; characteristics and development of Islamic jurisprudence; sources of law; legal concepts; custom as a source of Islamic law; constitutionalism in Islamic law; human rights and the administration of justice under shari'a; and legal pluralism.

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About the Author

M.T. Ladan

Muhammed Tawfiq Ladan is an academic lawyer who teaches Comparative Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University, where he is Deputy Dean of Law and Head of Department of Public Law. He is widely published and serves as resource person/research consultant to several government ministries and parastatals, NGOs, UNICEF, NATCOM-UNESCO, UNEP and ICRC. He is a member of national and international expert working groups on human rights, humanitarian and environmental laws as well as conflict and security law in Africa. He won the 1999-2000 world-wide competitive Hubert Humphrey International Fellowship Award.