ISBN 9789786019475
Pages 96
Dimensions 216x140mm
Published 2024
Publisher Noirledge Publishing, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Kálábárí Témétéín Ékwen

by Nimi Wariboko

Kálábári Témétéin Ekwen (Kalabari Poems) is a collection of poems on love, culture, and the traditions of the Kalabari people of Rivers State. Nimi Wariboko, in a sweeping variety of creative poetic styles, imageries, and performative languages, reveals the hidden depths of Kalabari existence, self-narratives, hopes and fears, and the social imaginary. A poet with deep knowledge of Kalabari history and culture, Wariboko's poetry reveals the vivacity of the people and their worldview. Kalábári Témétéin Ekwen displays the pragmatic, the philosophical, the multi-textured sensibility of Kalabari poetry. Wariboko captures the beautiful rhythm and structure—the sheer musicality—of the Kalabari language in his poems.

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About the Author

Nimi Wariboko

Nimi Wariboko is the inaugural Katherine B. Stuart Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Andover Newton Theological Seminary, Newton Center, Massachusetts. He has written extensively on social ethics, economic history, anthropology, sociology and political science.