ISBN 9789970199099
Pages 186
Dimensions 203x142 mm
Published 2025
Publisher Fountain Publishers, Uganda
Format Paperback

Kiraba's Destiny

by Amooti Kyama

Kiraba is an exceptionally beautiful woman, with several admirable qualities and abilities. Her story as she navigates life experiences from childhood into mature adulthood is narrated by her best friend, Harriet. Her success in education, employment opportunities, and marrying Alex, a man she loved, lost meaning when she encountered devastating marital problems. Many attempts to resolve the problems failed. A difficult decision to leave Alex was made. The support of family members, friends, and her former secondary school teacher (Dr Nelson) enabled her to pursue other goals. Going to England for studies availed her of new experiences, and Dr. Nelson's aunt's family became her second family. While in England, Kiraba cautiously formed a romantic relationship with Edwin. The two continued dating after returning to Uganda. Eventually, they got married and formed a blended family.

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