ISBN 9789964703462
Pages 130
Dimensions 152x102 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Afram Publications, Ghana
Format Paperback

La Famille Ntow

by Enyonam A. Keteku

La Famille Ntow is full of everyday language in a familiar Ghanaian context. The most common verbs have been conjugated for you in the major tenses and there are useful exercises with answers, besides a rich vocabulary which gets you speaking good French in no time! For those who may have problems with sounds of French, there is a table to sort out your difficulties with or without a teacher.

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About the Author

Enyonam A. Keteku

Mrs. Enyonam Akosua Keteku was educated at Achimota School and graduated with B. A. Honours Degree in French from the University of Ghana Legon. She also has a Diploma in Education from the University of Cape Coast, apart from the numerous postgraduate courses in Teaching of the French Language at the University of Montpellier and the International Centre for Pedagogical Studies in Sevres, France. Enyonam was an experienced French teacher, having taught at various educational levels and also at the University of La Cote d'Ivoire, Abidjan.