ISBN 9781779340412
Pages 210
Dimensions 210x148 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback


An International Anthology of African and Latin American writers Vol 3

edited by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka, Ingrid Bringas

In this anthology Men: An International Anthology of African and Latin American Writers Vol. 3, we have 29 writers plying their trade in Africa and Latin American regions and their diasporas, writingin English and Spanish. Thereare 50 poems, and 7 prose pieces (essays and fictions) from writers from these countries: Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malawi, Uganda, Nigeria, South Sudan, Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina and Kenya, transacting around issues to do with modern man's rights and struggles. Previous anthologies in this series of African writers and Latin American writers are Experimental Writing, Africa vs Latin America Anthology Vol. 1 and Writing Grandmothers, Africa Vs Latin America Vol. 2.

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About the Editors

Tendai Rinos Mwanaka

Tendai. R. Mwanaka is a multi-disciplinary artist from Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. His oeuvre of works touches on non-fictions, essays, poetry, plays, fictions, music, sound art, photography, drawings, paintings, video, collage, mixed media, inter-genres and inter-disciplines. His work has been published in over 300 journals, anthologies and magazines in over 27 countries.

Ingrid Bringas

Ingrid Bringas (Monterrey N.L., Mexico, 1985) has published in diverse national and international poetry journals. Parts of her work have been translated into English, French and Portuguese. She is the author of La Edad de los Salvajes (Editorial Montea, 2015), Jardín Botánico (Abismos Casa Editorial, 2016), Nostalgia de la luz (UANL, 2016), 1000 watts de amor electrónico (Yerba mala Cartonera, 2016), Objetos imaginarios (Pinos Alados, 2017), Flechas que atraviesan la espesura de la noche (Liberoamérica, 2020), Frontera Cuir (UAEMEX, 2021), La casa no existe (Editorial los libros del perro, 2022), No haber nacido animal es una de mis secretas nostalgias (Conarte/Laberinto Ediciones). In 2021 she won the international poetry prize Gilberto Owen Estrada.