ISBN 9789954494059
Pages 142
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2008
Publisher Senso Unico Editions, Morocco
Format Paperback

Migrations. le rapport Alpha

by Henri Michel Boccara

In this original variation on the theme of migration, the destinies of six people who have migrated are recounted in the voice of one of them. They may encounter violence and injustice, some fit into current realities, others spring from the distant past; but there is a commonality in the recounting: the reasons for migration and their experiences. The interwoven stories of waves of men and women, desperate or driven by strong beliefs, are told by the reporter, at the end of his career. This man, who is the centre of the risky encounters, seeks the reasons and truth about his own exile.

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About the Author

Henri Michel Boccara

Henri Michel Boccara, born in Tunis, has lived in Morocco for more then forty years. He studied at the Centre d’expression d’art dramatique of André Voisin, and then at IDHEC. He studied medicine but always remained involved in theatre and writing. He founded and continues to directs the Groupe des Neuf, for which he has written several plays shown in Morocco, and outside at events such as the Festival de Grenoble, and Points sur les I en Avignon. He is also a novelist (Itinérances, Traver-sées, Le plumier, Tunis-Goulette-Marsa, Au commencement) and writer of short stories (La corde d’Anamer, La pluie sur Aveiro). His characters are often migrants or exiles, stowaways rolled around by history, guided by their huge thirst for life.

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