ISBN 9789996066665
Pages 40
Dimensions 210x148 mm
Published 2023
Publisher Luviri Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

Missionary Societies and the Fortunate Subversion of the Church

by Andrew F. Walls

Africa was not evangelized by the European (and American) churches, but by the European (and American) mission societies, a process that thoroughly changed the religious geography of Africa. This book traces the origin of this change to William Carey, who proposed in 1792 to make the mission society as a voluntary association the "Means" to propagate the Gospel. The mission societies did what the churches could not have done. In this seminal paper Andrew Walls explores this often forgotten feature of missionary history.

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About the Author

Andrew F. Walls

Born 1928 in New Milton, Hampshire, to Scottish parents, his life's trajectory was formed by his African years, teaching first at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone (1957-60) and then at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1960-1966). At Aberdeen University he taught Comparative Religions, in 1970 he established the first Department of Religious Studies at a Scottish University, and in 1982 he founded the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World. He was also the founder and first editor of the Journal of Religion in Africa. From 1986-1997 he taught at Edinburgh University. As a lecturer and especially as a supervisor of postgraduate studies, he inspired students all over the world. He was married to Doreen Harden for 58 years (with two children), and after Doreen's death for nine years to Dr Ingrid Reneau from Belize.