ISBN 9789982241434
Pages 166
Dimensions 230x160 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Gadsden Publishers, Zambia
Format Paperback

Norman Carr

Pioneer of Community-based Wildlife Conservation

by Alistair Tough

Norman Carr (1912-1997) devoted his life to the conservation of wildlife and their habitat. He saw that this could only be achieved with the involvement and support of the local people who should benefit from it. He was the founder of game viewing safaris in Zambia. In the 1950s he enabled the establishment of a game reserve which became the Nsefu Sector of South Luangwa National Park and with Chief Nsefu he established the first camp for tourists within it. He was also influential in the development of the Kafue National Park. Carr skilfully manipulated central and local bureaucracies before and after Zambia's Independence, established a safari company which outlived him and now runs five lodges in the Luangwa Valley, pioneered walking safaris, wrote several books and raised two lion cubs which were successfully returned to the wild.


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About the Author

Alistair Tough

Alistair Tough is a British historian, archivist, and university lecturer. He lived in Zambia in the 1970s and met Norman Carr then. Alistair was expelled from Zambia in 1979 as a suspected supporter of Simon Kapwepwe's People's Progressive Party. He has lived and worked in Malawi and Tanzania, as well as the USA and UK. He returned to Zambia to work on the Public Sector Reform Programme in 2001. He is now retired in the UK. He has written extensively about information management. This is his first book-length biography.