ISBN 9789956540167
Pages 68
Dimensions 210 x 148mm
Published 2022
Publisher Peacock Writers Series, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Reap What You Sow

A Play for Children

by George Njimele

Reap What You Sow is a tragicomic play that focuses on issues surrounding Mr and Mrs Batou’s family. The work presents the worries of this couple, especially Mrs Batou’s preoccupations with the upbringing of her children with a blend of humour and tragic events. Despite her complaints and warnings, Micara (her elderly daughter) ends up with an unwanted pregnancy.
Njimele’s success in this must-read drama lies largely in his ability to use a relevant artistic touch to present Cameroon’s contemporary society with its numerous ups and downs. He uses satire to highlight some of the burning ills that plague the society.

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About the Author

George Njimele

George Njimele was born in Awing, North West Region of Cameroon in 1973. He started writing at an early age and writes mostly for children and young adults. He took up writing full-time and started the Peacock Writers Series in Cameroon. He won the National Prize for poetry in 1995 organized by the National Book Development Council. Some of his works such as Madmen and Traitors (2015), The Queen of Power (1998), Undeserved Suffering (2008), The Slave Boys (2008) and Poverty is Crazy (2012) are prescribed in the Cameroon school curriculum (literature   awareness) for beginners in secondary school. His other works include: King Shaba (2006), House of Peace (2007), Land of Sweet Meat (2017), and Reap What You Sow (2020).