ISBN 9789987082407
Pages 248
Dimensions 234 x 156mm
Published 2014
Publisher Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania
Format Paperback

Social Security Challenges in Tanzania

Transforming the Present - Protecting the Future

by Hossea M. M. Rwegoshora

Social security is a basic human right and a fundamental means for creating social cohesion; it is important not only for the well-being of workers, but also for their families and other community members at large. An indispensable part of government social policy, social security is an important tool to alleviate poverty and if well managed can enhance productivity by providing income security and social services. Through a growing economy and active labour market policies, social security serves as an instrument for sustainable social and economic development. Whereas social security is a cost for formal organizations, it is also a future investment for the well-being of the people. With globalization and structural adjustment policies, social security becomes more necessary today than ever. Social Security Challenges in Tanzania: Transforming the Present - Protecting the Future includes a comprehensive overview of social security perspectives at both the international and regional level. The text focuses specifically on Tanzania, analyzing in detail the policy and legal frameworks for social security provision. Engaging and authoritative, it is an essential text for those interested in the evolution, current challenges, and opportunities in addressing the needs of Tanzanians through social security provisions.

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About the Author

Hossea M. M. Rwegoshora

Hossea M. M. Rwegoshora is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. Prof. Rwegoshora holds a Bachelors degree in Sociology (UDSM), Masters in Political Science and Public Administration (UDSM), Masters in Labor and Development (Institute of Social Studies - The Hague), and a PhD in Sociology (Johanneskepler University Linz - Austria). In addition to teaching, he provides consultancy on contemporary issues related to social policies and social science research.