ISBN 9789987083626
Pages 178
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2019
Publisher Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania
Format Paperback

South Sudan: The Crisis of Infancy

by Peter Adwok Nyaba

In this second edition of South Sudan: The Crisis of Infancy Peter Adwok Nyaba has incorporated the dynamics of socio-political developments in South Sudan since 2015 including an incisive and informative account of the recent “coup attempt” and its aftermath. Fired with passionate preoccupation to decipher the direction in which South Sudan is headed, the author harnesses his critical alertness to the political undercurrents in the country to explain from his own point of view what has happened and what did not happen in the country as South Sudan swings between peace and conflict. The underlying message of this publication is that the social, economic and political crisis in South Sudan and its people is self-afflicted. The people of South Sudan desire justice, freedom democracy, peace and prosperity. For this to be achieved, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)/Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) which championed the course of freedom for South Sudan for so long must transform itself into an organization which respects democratic principles in and out of government and within its own structures. Its leaders must prove that they are capable of living up to the highest expectations, not only of the South Sudanese but all Africans; it is necessary for democracy to permeate through all its existential processes. Essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand South Sudan today.

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About the Author

Peter Adwok Nyaba

Peter Adwok Nyaba is a South Sudanese intellectual who has witnessed and participated in the struggle since his short stint in the first war (1964-1966), before going back to school. His work as an activist in the student movement and trade unionism won him membership in the Sudanese Communist Party. When the mass movement retreated after the popular uprising that overthrew the May regime in 1985, Peter Adwok Nyaba resigned to become a combatant in the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA). After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, he became a legislator and then the minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Government of National Unity. When South Sudan became independent in 2011, he was appointed Minister for Higher Education, Science, and Technology. He has published three books on South Sudan, one of which, The Politics of Liberation in South Sudan: An Insider's View, received the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa (1998).