ISBN 9789987083619
Pages 256
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2019
Publisher Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania
Format Paperback

South Sudan: The State We Aspire to

by Peter Adwok Nyaba

South Sudan: The State We Aspire To was conceived and written mid-2009, two years before the conduct of the referendum on self-determination. The comprehensive peace agreement provided the people of southern Sudan this inalienable right after nearly five decades of conflict. Peter Adwok Nyaba incisively discusses the high expectations and hopes the people of southern Sudan had, mixed with anxiety that characterises the fluid and unpredictable nature of the interim period leading to independence of South Sudan in 2011. In this second edition of South Sudan: The State We Aspire To, written after the eruption of violence in December 2013, the events vindicated what the author correctly discussed the situation southern Sudan was in as being “on the horns of a great dilemma”, or the attitude of its leaders being “between treason and stupidity”. It was inevitable that the internal crisis in the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)/Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) leadership and failure to pursue socioeconomic development commensurate with its liberation ideology would plunge the country into hell on earth. Nyaba’s prime objective in The State We Aspire To, is to provoke a debate, inside and outside the SPLM and South Sudan at large, on the political future of South Sudan. He argues that the SPLM top leadership, cadres and general membership are collectively responsible for what is happening to this young nation having willfully abandoned the ideals for which the South Sudanese people sacrificed in the wars of national liberation. 


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About the Author

Peter Adwok Nyaba

Peter Adwok Nyaba is a South Sudanese intellectual who has witnessed and participated in the struggle since his short stint in the first war (1964-1966), before going back to school. His work as an activist in the student movement and trade unionism won him membership in the Sudanese Communist Party. When the mass movement retreated after the popular uprising that overthrew the May regime in 1985, Peter Adwok Nyaba resigned to become a combatant in the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA). After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, he became a legislator and then the minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Government of National Unity. When South Sudan became independent in 2011, he was appointed Minister for Higher Education, Science, and Technology. He has published three books on South Sudan, one of which, The Politics of Liberation in South Sudan: An Insider's View, received the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa (1998).