ISBN 9781779220325
Pages 164
Dimensions 203 x 127 mm
Published 2005
Publisher Weaver Press, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Stained Earth

by Derek Huggins

War, as Derek Huggins tells us, spares nobody and too often it is those caught in the cross- fire who suffer most. The war of liberation in Rhodesia was protracted and bloody, many people died, and many others are still living with its memories today. Stained Earth is a powerful and moving collection of short stories narrated by a policeman, Greg Stanyon. The clarity of his observations is fused with the pity and pain of this conflict. Both give rise to constant doubt about the war’s necessity and reflect the toll it takes. Recovery requires the telling of truth from different perspectives. This anthology invites us to reflect again on this period, from a point of view rarely heard before.

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About the Author

Derek Huggins

Derek Huggins (1940-2021) opened Gallery Delta in 1975 for the promotion of contemporary painting, and is still managing this artists’ venue. He was the Chief Executive of the National Arts Foundation from 1975 to 1988, and published Arts Rhodesia and Arts Zimbabwe. Between 1994 and 2002, he published Gallery, an art magazine to which he was a frequent contributor. Over a period of thirty years he has intermittently written short stories but only latterly sought publication. Stained Earth, his first anthology of stories, was published in 2005; his previously published fiction appears in Writing Still. New Stories from Zimbabwe (Weaver Press, 2003) and Short Writings from Bulawayo (Amabooks Vols I and II).

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