ISBN 9781779340382
Pages 220
Dimensions 210x148 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Taurai Amai!

Muunganidzwa weNhetembo

by Cosmas Tasvika Manhanhanha

“Taurai Amai” is a profound Afrocentric collection of Shona poetry that transcends mere verses to embody the essence of a nurturing mother in our cultural ethos. In Shona tradition, a mother holds a sacred place, shaping not just her family but the very fabric of society. Her voice echoes through these poems, weaving together themes as diverse as tradition, conflict, and the universal pursuit of wisdom. Within these pages, the poet emerges as a warrior for African values, akin to the wise elders whose counsel steers us towards responsible adulthood. Much like a beloved aunt or grandmother, each poem imparts timeless advice, urging us to heed the wisdom encapsulated in the phrase “Taurai Amai” – listen to your mother. This compilation delves deep into the tapestry of daily life, addressing issues ranging from cultural heritage to human rights, from the struggles of women and children to the complexities of wealth and health. Each poem is a beacon, illuminating paths through history, development, and the challenges of modern existence. “Taurai Amai” is not just a collection of poetry; it is a testament to the power of words to shape minds and hearts, echoing the sentiment that a mother’s voice resonates not only within the family but throughout the world. Join us on this journey through verse, where each poem stands as a testament to the enduring wisdom and cultural richness of Zimbabwe and beyond.


Nhandare yeuvaranomwe hwenhetembo haisi yedambe, ndiamai, amai havatambwe navo nekuti vane ngozi, vanokosha. Amai ndiyo nyika, nyika ndiyo vanhu. Kutaura kwaamai izwi renyika, Kutaura kwaamai kunobatsira mhuri ndekwepundutso mumhuri. Izwi raamai, izwi revanhu, izwi ramusikavanhu, izwi renyika ndiko kutaura kwaamai kuri mune uno muunganidzwa, "TAURAI AMAI!" Taurai Amai muunganinzwa wenduri dzine pfungwa dzine udzamu dzinobata mararamiro evanhu kubva mune zvetsika nemagariro, zveupfumi, zvenhaka uye zvenyaya dzezvinopisapisa mukurarama kwevanhu kwezuva nezuva. Mumuunganidzwa uno, munyori anonyora akamira seuto rinorwira zvevanhu, zvevatema vemuAfrica, satete, mbuya uye sekuru kuumba izwi rekurera sekwamai kwavanoita vana vavo nedonzvo rekuumba humunhu mavari sezvo pasina amai kwavo vangada kukudza mwana muhupenzi nehurombe. Kurera kwavo amai kunoita kuti vana vanzwe kuda kuterera pese panotaura amai. Nechemumoyo vachongoti, "Taurai Amai." Shungu dziri dzekuda kunzwa mashoko ane pundutso kubva kuna amai.

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