ISBN 9789996080272
Pages 68
Dimensions 210 x 148
Published 2023
Publisher Luviri Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

The Dutch Reformed Women's Missionary Movement from South Africa and the Mt. Holyoke Connection

by Dana L. Robert

This book reinterprets the history of South African Dutch Reformed missions as a women's movement. It traces American women missionaries from Mt. Holyoke College who went to southern Africa in the late 1800s to teach Dutch Reformed girls. Dutch Reformed women then formed a missionary network to send the educated women throughout southern Africa, and into Malawi and Zimbabwe. Missionary women modeled a combination of education and piety that inspired African church women's leadership and enabled Reformed churches to spread throughout the region. Not only does the book show how American women introduced a distinctive missionary piety into Reformed missions, but it also places women at the center of southern African mission history.

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About the Author

Dana L. Robert

Dana L. Robert is the William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor, and the Director of the Center for Global Christianity and Mission, at Boston University. A historian of mission and of world Christianity, she has written numerous books and articles, including Christian Mission: How Christianity Became a World Religion (Wiley-Blackwell). She is on the Executive Committee for the Dictionary of African Christian Biography and is the Editor of African Christian Biography: Stories, Lives, and Challenges (Cluster Publications). Robert is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is married to Prof. M. L. "Inus" Daneel, noted eco-theologian and author of works on Shona religions in Zimbabwe.