ISBN 9789786086613
Pages 152
Dimensions 234x156 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

The Satiru Revolt of Peasants and Slaves in Sokoto Caliphate

by Abubakar Sokoto Mohammed

Based on the use of primary and secondary sources, the author is able to put together his academic research and understanding of policies of pre-colonial and colonial social formations in writing this book. Evidently, the author successfully examines the roles of peasants and slaves in a violent uprising that shocked the entire Sokoto Caliphate and the newly established British colonial administration in Sokoto, the capital emirate of the Caliphate. I therefore, do not hesitate in strongly recommending this book for tertiary and a broad spectrum of scholars, researchers and students in the various fields of humanities and social sciences such as history, religious studies, sociology, anthropology, political science and security studies. - Professor Ibrahim M. Jumare Department of History and International Studies Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria.

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About the Author

Abubakar Sokoto Mohammed

Abubakar Sokoto Mohammed, mni, is of the Department of Sociology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria.