ISBN 9780639740645
Pages 40
Dimensions 216x216 mm
Published 2023
Publisher 2C Science Art, South Africa
Format Paperback

The secret life of poop

by René Toesie

Follow the intrepid journey of poop. Poop!! Yes, poop. Find out what happens to poop from the moment the toilet is flushed until it reaches its destination. The journey of poop is not as smooth sailing as you think. Eeew.!! And you'll discover the secrets that poop holds. The Secret life of poop is a basic guideline on how the sewer system works. All text and illustrations are done by René Toesie. It is her belief, that change begins with knowledge and often knowledge begins by creating awareness. The book aims to contribute to citizen science and science communication to include communities in the scientific conversation about sewer systems.

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About the Author

René Toesie

René Toesie hails from Grassy Park in the Western Cape of South Africa. She is a qualified Civil and Environmental Engineer who has over 21 years' experience in the private and government infrastructure sectors. Her focus areas are promoting community awareness of the built and natural environments and is passionate about citizen science. She combines her love for art and science in environmental and infrastructure awareness literature. She has written and self-published two books and has a website,, where she publishes scientific articles.