ISBN 9781779340429
Pages 106
Dimensions 210x148 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

The Twins

Verse play

by Shakemore Dirani

An ageing king decides to step down from the throne but he is at a dilemma: his twin boys, Hunter and Farmer, both eye the high seat. Once word of the Old Man's intention to step down reaches them, the two boys come up with creative, and later cunning, ways to outdo each other. Somehow the young men overdo it. The situation deteriorates; violence, fear and uncertainty grip the kingdom. The young, the aged, all the people are thrown in the fray. Although the story is modelled on the Zimbabwean crisis of 2008, it draws timeless parallels to any situation of power struggle.

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About the Author

Shakemore Dirani

Dirani Shakemore was born 8 November 1971 in Karoi, where he also attended primary and secondary school and later went to Morgan Zintec for teacher training and to the Great Zimbabwe University for a degree in education. For over twenty years he has taught in the schools around Karoi where he lives with his family. From around twelve years of age Dirani Shakemore took a fascination for poetry and has written and recited poetry since then.