ISBN 9789786020204
Pages 28
Dimensions 280 x 216mm
Illustrations Colour Illustrations
Published 2023
Publisher Human Change Communications Company, Nigeria
Format Paperback

The White Rhino

by Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Gunter hunts down the only rhino in the national park. His plan was to sell its priceless horn to some buyers from the Asia Pacific. When Gunter was challenged by some guards in the park, he found himself fighting to save his own life. Every time you make a choice, you take a chance!

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About the Author

Omoruyi Uwuigiaren

Omoruyi Uwuigiaren is a writer, web designer, entrepreneur and author of the new books, The Mystery of Taiwo Da Silva, The Refugees, Queen Abigail and the Snail Prince. With over a decade of writing for children, Ruyi has an authentic voice that shines through his works and makes him stand out. He studied Mass Communications.

Ruyi’s previous books include Baby Thomas, Pirates of the Sub-Sahara, The City Heroes, and The Famous Friends. He is the editor of Ruyi’s World of Books and Stories. When not absorbed in the latest gripping page-turner, Ruyi loves cooking his favorite African meal, develop cartoons characters, enjoys working on the farm and otherwise spends far too much time at the computer.