ISBN 9789786061726
Pages 262
Dimensions 234x156mm
Published 2024
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

The Wild Rose

by Nasreen Tamaa Zankawah

When Titiaka, an assertive tycoon, finally begins therapy to regain her lost memories, she is shocked by the daunting connection between her present and her past, and is compelled to relive in torture. She struggles to cope with her rebellious sister, while fighting to save her business empire and family, at the expense of her own life.

This book is a solid read.... The protagonist Titi, looked like she will never catch a break but I read the strength in her character. Overcoming any and everything life threw at her. Betrayal, crime, you name it, Titi went through it all...Basically, the sun comes out after every storm and Titi must have just as well walked on water because she's an amazing character. The twists in this book were twisting. You could feel everything Titi was going through; the despair, the fights and so on.- Salomey Abraham

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About the Author

Nasreen Tamaa Zankawah

Nasreen Zankawah, a Ghanaian, is a journalist, an entrepreneur, a literary blogger and an award-winning writer. She is an alumna of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. She published her first novel, The President's Bodyguard in 2020 and has authored several poems and short stories. A curious reader can get in touch with her and Linkedin @ Nasreen Zankawah.