ISBN 9789956540211 
Pages 88
Dimensions 210 x 148mm
Published 2023
Publisher Peacock Writers Series, Cameroon
Format Paperback

The Winners of Tomorrow

A Novella

by George Njimele

Ma Tata and her husband are worried about the future of their only child, Mona, in the midst of falling morals among young people. When Mona and his friend are bullied and their money seized as they return from school, his parents are upset and conclude that youth delinquency is damaging the fabric of society. As a teacher, Ma Tata takes the lead, inculcating moral values in her son, teaching him the virtue of constant study, acquiring trading skills, and learning farming skills. When a strong economic crisis hit Kibanki, resulting in inflation and job scarcities, the Tatas adopt new ways of increasing the family income. The fear of their son obtaining certificates without any job guarantee compels them to plan a befitting career path for him.

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About the Author

George Njimele

George Njimele was born in Awing, North West Region of Cameroon in 1973. He started writing at an early age and writes mostly for children and young adults. He took up writing full-time and started the Peacock Writers Series in Cameroon. He won the National Prize for poetry in 1995 organized by the National Book Development Council. Some of his works such as Madmen and Traitors (2015), The Queen of Power (1998), Undeserved Suffering (2008), The Slave Boys (2008) and Poverty is Crazy (2012) are prescribed in the Cameroon school curriculum (literature   awareness) for beginners in secondary school. His other works include: King Shaba (2006), House of Peace (2007), Land of Sweet Meat (2017), and Reap What You Sow (2020).