ISBN 9780797419759
Pages 182
Dimensions 210x148 mm
Published 2007
Publisher Joyce Jenje Makwenda Collection Archive, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback


by Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

USenzeni ....Ultimately victory, an enlightening, empowering story of pain, sorrow, trial, and tribulation that sees three generations of women stand up to be counted!!! The book is written in mostly in spoken Zimbabwe Ndebele with a fusion of not so standard Ndebele (old Zulu) and some township lingo (slang). Where old people are communicating, the conversations are in old Zulu (closer to standard Ndebele), and where the young people are communicating, it will be in spoken Ndebele or Township Lingo. slang).

Umlobiuthanda ukwazisaabazabala ibhukuleliukuthi lalotshwangolimi lwesiNdebele esikhulunywayonsuku zonke.Kalibhalangwa ngabayithiyi Standard Ndebele.Umlobi waqalisaukubhala ibhangclirikhthi zama1980's.Indabale igalisangomnyakaka 1983ikwela ngesikhathi.Umlobi uthandanjaloukwazisa ababaliukuthiimali eyasetshenziswayo yimaliabantu ababeyisebenzisakulezo nsuku.Abanye bengabonaangani yimalielutshwane kodwangalezonsuku yimalieyayinengi okwamagama. Abacubunguli balolugwalobalungisa okwakumele kulungiswekodwa okwakungasoze kuphazamiseisiNdebele engisitshilo esikhulunywansuku zonke.Ulimialumi ndawoinye njengabantulaboabami ndawoinye.Kasibaleni ibhuku.

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About the Author

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda was born in 1958 in Mbare Township in Harare.She is a researcher, writer and producer. For the past 30 years or more she has been involved in research in the areas of music, popular culture, media, politics, women's history and gender issues. Joyce has made some notable achievements with her artistic work across the board, winning a number of awards since the early 1990's.