ISBN 9789786065014
Pages 108
Dimensions 210x148 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Purple Letters Publishers, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Verses of Extolment

An Anthology of Praise Poems to Ozo-mekuri Ndimele

by Wellington Nwogu

Verses of Extolment: An Anthology of Praise Poems to Ozo-mekuri Ndimele is a gathering of ingenious approbations from the poetics of some talented poets across the states of Nigeria in honour of this man of impeccable personality; dexterity, exceptional leadership acumen, and astuteness in the field of linguistics and in appreciation of his numerous helpful offerings to knowledge and nation building.

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About the Author

Wellington Nwogu

Wellington Nwogu is a fast-growing African poet from the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. He holds a PhD in Literature, a Master of Arts (M.A) degree in Literature, and a Bachelor of Education Degree (B.ED) in English Studies. Nwogu is the founder of the Etche Writers' Association (EWA); he holds membership in the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Rivers State Branch, Nigeria Literary Society (NLS), Readers Association of Nigeria (RAN), and Seaview Poetry Club, among others.