ISBN 9789786021164
Pages 86
Dimensions 203x127 mm
Published 2024
Publisher Noirledge Publishing, Nigeria
Format Paperback

We are the World and Other SDGs Plays

by Sunday Akande

We Are the World and Other SDGs Plays is a book that educates children about the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the art of drama. The book consists of seven plays, each addressing one or more of the 17 Goals and how they relate to the challenges faced by children worldwide. The plays feature the members of the Book Lovers Club, a group of caring and inquisitive kids who want to help their friends and community overcome their difficulties. They investigate various topics such as poverty, education, health, climate change, and peace, and they devise innovative solutions to improve their situation. The book encourages young readers to learn more about the SDGs and to take action for a better world.

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