ISBN 9781779331380
Pages 106
Dimensions 210x148mm
Published 2024
Publisher Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Who Told You to Be God?


by Marial Awendit

This collection contains poems of resistance to tyranny and human cruelty. Most suffering arises from human cruelty, in comparison to wild animals and natural disasters. This collection asserts the value of people and nature against adversaries such as greed, malevolent complicity, religious and racial bigotry. The triumph of love is what this collection expounds and puts afore.

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About the Author

Marial Awendit

Marial Awendit a.k.a. James Marial Matueny Majak, is a South Sudanese poet, essayist and songwriter. He is published in various literary magazines and anthologies: Brittle Paper, Kalahari Review, African Writer Magazine, CreatePreneurAfrica, Eboquills, Ramchiel Magazine, Praxis Magazine, Garden of Poems, Songs of the Nile and the Best New African Poets Anthology. Marial won the 2016 South Sudan Youth Talent Award for the category of Best Poet and the 2018 Babishai-Niwe Poetry Award.