ISBN 9780797454859
Pages 216
Dimensions 244 x 170mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations
Published 2017
Publisher Storytime Promotions, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Women Musicians of Zimbabwe

Diary Notebook

by Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

THE WOMEN MUSICIANS OF ZIMBABWE DIARY chronicles the journey of women musicians from 1930’s. The diary celebrates women musicians in different types of genres; from jazz, traditional music, jiti, afro pop, gospel, urban grooves, the list goes on. While jotting an appointment you get to know women who have contributed to the development of music in Zimbabwe from 1930’s. You can put your own year, date on the diary. READ ON……

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About the Author

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda was born in 1958 in Mbare Township in Harare.She is a researcher, writer and producer. For the past 30 years or more she has been involved in research in the areas of music, popular culture, media, politics, women's history and gender issues. Joyce has made some notable achievements with her artistic work across the board, winning a number of awards since the early 1990's.